Microsoft Office package is one of the most widely used office suites.

Its main components are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint along with some other office tools. Definitely it has some great features to lean for as it can make many of the office tasks quite a simple one with lots of features and tools provided in its package. Still one can think of various alternates available with similar and at times better features too.

Microsoft Office alternatives are:
  1. OpenOffice
  2. GoogleDocs
  3. IBM Lotus Symphony 
  4. Zoho Office
  5. ThinkFree Office

Microsoft Excel is one the most commonly used spreadsheet application. It comes as an integrated part of the Office package. It has been the favorite of many specially for the people working with numbers.One thing that is to be considered for use of Excel is that one has to buy the Microsoft office package in order to use Excel. If given a close thought we have many other free alternatives to the Excel package which offers nearly the same features probably in a little different manner.

Following are the free Excel alternatives available :
  1. OpenOffice Calc
  2. Google Spreadsheets
  3. Kspread
  4. Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets
  5. Simple spreadsheet
  6. ZcubesCalci
  7. ZohoSheets
  8. EditGrid
  9. Spread32
  10. Cleansheets

Microsoft Powerpoint is one the most commonly used presentation application. It comes as an integrated part of the Office package. It has been the favorite of many specially for the people wanting to develop different types of presentations. One thing that is to be considered for use of powerpoint is that one has to buy the Microsoft office package so that you can use powerpoint applications to develop various presentations.

If given a close thought we have many other free alternatives to the powerpoint package which offers nearly the same features probably in a little different manner. Many of them are online packages and many offline, so its up to you which one you want to choose from .

Free Powerpoint alternatives are:
  1. OpenOffice Impress
  2. Flash
  3. Thinkfree Show
  4. PreZentIt
  5. ZohoShow

Hope this article useful for you. Are you favorite tools or website not in the list? Feel free to mention it in comments below.

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