The rivalry between Samsung and Apple has been intensifying with each passing year. Apple has become the undisputed market leader and Samsung is left to fight for seconds with other brands. Recent events show there is no love lost between the two companies and they are going for each other’s throats. Apple sued Samsung over patent infringement and won, leaving Samsung with a billion-dollar fine. With Apple’s latest release, the iPhone 5, becoming a raging success, let’s look at Samsung’s response.
Developing a New Smartphone Takes Time
Obviously, Samsung cannot counter the launch of iPhone 5 with a smartphone of its own. It takes time to come up with a product that meets the market standards and one which people would want to buy. They are in the process of working on a few gadgets, but none of them are ready for release. So, Samsung had to find a different way to respond, which they did.
Since they had no new product to promote, Samsung started marketing the Galaxy S3 which released in May. Taking a direct dig at Apple, Samsung has released a series of adverts online, using YouTube and Facebook instead of conventional options. Given the fact that the sales for Galaxy S3 are already north of 20 million, it is unlikely that they will be able to sell many more. Plus, the iPhone 5 is selling like it’s free.
Samsung is hyping up the Galaxy S3 as the best smartphone in the market at present. The only reason why they are doing it is to respond to the phenomenal success of iPhone 5. If they didn’t respond, the critics would be at their throats, claiming the lawsuit loss was holding them back. Their response shows they are confident about their appeal and aren’t going to make life any easier for Apple.
Is the Galaxy S3 Any Good?
Amidst the Apple – Samsung battle for supremacy, people have ignored the real question: is the Galaxy S3 any good? Such is the fervent support for Apple that the fans don’t want to hear anything against it. Yet, comparing the features shows that the S3 trumps iPhone 5 in certain aspects.
Bigger Screen Size
The screen size of the Samsung Galaxy S3 is 4.8 inches as compared to the 4-inch screen on iPhone 5. Keeping all other factors aside, the Galaxy S3 is ideal for people who love to watch movies, TV shows and other content on their smartphones.
Near Field Communication (NFC)
The S Beam on the Samsung smartphone enables users to share data through near field communication (NFC). This feature isn’t present on any Apple product.
Pop-Up Play
You can multitask using your Galaxy S3. If you are watching a video, the pop-up play feature will enable you to perform other tasks and use other features as well.
More Storage Space
You can add 32GB of storage space to your Galaxy S3 through the MicroSD slot. If you run out of space on your phone, you can always get additional storage capacity, which is something that’s not possible on the iPhone 5.
You can see there is some merit in Samsung’s argument that they have a superior product. Well, it remains to be seen whether their response to iPhone 5’s success delivers any results or not.
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