In the age of social networking and Internet marketing, majority of the bank transactions are done online. It becomes quintessential for users to strictly implement some security practices for preventing the theft and loss of personal information over the Internet.

Every year millions of users across the globe are battered by Virus attack, Malware attack and as a result of which they loss lot of sensitive data to hackers.  So, here are few of the best security practices that every user should implement to prevent critical data loss or theft.
Security practices may vary from individual to big corporates. However, the following apply to everyone, who uses computers.
1. Antivirus
The system should have the latest and most advanced antivirus installed. This may require little bit of research about various types of antivirus products available in the market. In fact it is the biggest investment to be made in terms of securing the computer. The user should run regular updates for antivirus and perform weekly deep scan of the computer to make sure there is no virus on the system. Antivirus software should be able to take care of entire gamut of malwares, Spywares, email protection. It should not only detect, but even clean the system immediately.  Whenever, there is an update, the user should make it a habit to perform complete scan.
2.Security of Web Browser
Every user connects to the world of internet through a web browser. Irrespective of the browser that you use, it is a point of weakness in the defense of any computer. Hackers always target the flaws in the web browser or the plugins that are required, to install malware or spyware through the browser without the knowledge of end user.  Hence, web browser security update is quite important.  The user should keep the security level high for their web browser and should keep switching from one web browser to another to prevent such browser oriented attack from hackers.

3.Operating System Updates
Always have your operating system updated. There are patches that are regularly sent to close the loop holes in the security of the operating system.  So, do not disable your auto update for the operating system, as this might make your computer vulnerable to attack.

4.Network Security
Whether a home user or office user of a computer, one of the most critical security practice is to have your network secure.  There are many network attacking tools that are available. One such type of attack is the “Reconnaissance” attack. In this one, the hacker extracts series of information from various network layers which is later used to compromise the network performance.  Users should have a firewall and WEP protected Wi-Fi router.  Firewalls should be updated and always enabled in the system to prevent any attack from hackers.

User should not download or run any attachment if he is not sure about the source of email. Many times there are spam mails that look like an original mail asking the user to download some information or asking them to share their personal details. At times spam mails look like original bank email asking personal details such as name, address, account number etc.  All this activities are termed as “Identity Theft”.

User should always have a password to their systems.  The password should be at least 6 characters with a combination of numbers, alphanumeric and special symbols.  Make sure to have a screen saver password in case your system is left idle for more than a minute.

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