Well you must have used or heard, if not used, some popular shortcuts or abbreviations (a shortened form of a word or phrase.) on facebook, twitter or any other social networking sites. It have become pretty kool to use these short forms but the reason for huge popularity is – it saves time from writing the whole line or bunch of words. It’s mostly used in expressing emotions or during chat conversations.

Internet abbreviations

I am an avid user of Twitter and Facebook chat and I use these kinda words a lot. Twitter’s limit of 140 characters in a tweet has made these abbreviations very popular.

For people who are new to internet chat find these words weird and it becomes difficult for them to understand and reply to these abbreviations. Some of these words were alien to me too when I came across them for the first time. Here I am compiling the list of most popular abbreviation words which you can use in internet chats regularly.

Out here, you might find some abbreviations which you use regularly but you might not have known the meaning. Moreover I have added few latest abbreviations which are getting popular over twitter.

List of Internet Abbreviations:

  1. 1NAM : One in a million
  2. 121: One-to-One
  3. 143: I love you
  4. 1432: I love you too
  5. 2: To
  6. 2moro: Tomorrow
  7. 2N8 : Tonight
  8. 4: For
  9. 404 : No clue
  10. 4Eva: Forever
  11. 6Y: Sexy
  12. 88: Bye Bye
  13. A3: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
  14. ASAP: As soon as possible
  15. AFAIK : As far as I know
  16. ASAIC: As soon as I can
  17. AYT: Are You There?
  18. Abt. : About
  19. ASL: Age/ Sex/ Location
  20. B4N : Bye for now
  21. BRB : Be right back
  22. BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
  23. BFFL: Best Friend For Life
  24. BIBO: Beer in, Beer out
  25. BMT : Before my time
  26. BBT : Be Back tomorrow
  27. BF: Boy Friend
  28. BD: Big Deal
  29. BDAY: Birthday
  30. BIB: Boss is Back
  31. Brd: Bored
  32. BRT: Be Right There
  33. BTW: By the way
  34. B/w: Between
  35. BAU: Business As usual.
  36. B4: Before
  37. BBS: Be Back Soon
  38. BOT: Back on Topic
  39. Coz/Cuz/Cos: Because
  40. CM: Call Me
  41. CMON: Come On
  42. CYA: See You
  43. CU: See You
  44. DIKU: Do I Know You
  45. DM: Doesn’t Matter
  46. DN: Down
  47. DNR: Dinner
  48. DP: Display Picture
  49. EMA: Email Address
  50. ENUF: Enough
  51. EOD: End Of Discussion
  52. EVA: Ever
  53. F2F: Face To Face
  54. FYI: For Your Info
  55. FUU: Fuck U
  56. Fb : Facebook
  57. G2G/GTG: Got To Go
  58. GFN: Gone For Now
  59. Gr8: Great
  60. GF: Girlfriend
  61. Gn : Good night
  62. HAU: How About You?
  63. HAND: Have a nice day!
  64. HF: Have Fun
  65. IC: I See
  66. IDC: I Don’t Care
  67. ILY: I Love You
  68. IM: Instant Message
  69. IDK: I don’t know
  70. IKRL I know right
  71. JK: Just Kidding
  72. JFY: Just for you
  73. K : okay
  74. KEWL: Cool
  75. Kl : Cool
  76. LMK : Let me know
  77. LOL: Laugh out loud
  78. LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
  79. L8r: Later
  80. MYOB: Mind Your Own Business
  81. Msg: Message
  82. NE1: Anyone
  83. N1: Nice one
  84. NYC: Nice
  85. NP: No Problem
  86. NVM: Never Mind
  87. NW: No Way
  88. N : And
  89. OMG: Oh My God
  90. OMFG: Oh My Fucking God
  91. ONL: Online
  92. OMW: On My Way
  93. Ova: Over
  94. PCM: Please Call Me
  95. Plz/Pls: Please
  96. PM: Private Message
  97. PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
  98. POS: Parents Over shoulder
  99. Ppl: People
  100. PLMK: Please let me know
  101. POV: Point Of View
  102. ROFLMAO: Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Out
  103. ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
  104. SUP: What’s up?
  105. SOS: Someone on Shoulder
  106. SD : Sweet dreams
  107. TC: Take care
  108. TMI: Too Much Information
  109. TM : Trust me
  110. Thx/Tnx: Thanks
  111. TGIF: Thank god it’s Friday.
  112. TIA: Thanks in advance
  113. Ty/Tu: Thank you
  114. TTYL : Talk to you later
  115. U: You
  116. URS: Yours
  117. WTH : What the hell
  118. w8 : Wait
  119. W/o: Without
  120. WU? : What’s up?
  121. WBU? What about You?
  122. WH5: Who, what, when, where, why
  123. WRT: With regard/respect to
  124. Wru: Where are you?
  125. WOA: Work of Art
  126. WTF: What the fuck
  127. YSIC: Why should I care
  128. Y : Why or Yes
  129. Zzz: Sleeping
  130. ZUP: What’s up?
You can share your own chat abbreviations on comment box, tell me have you abbreviations ?

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