Well you must have used or heard, if not used, some popular shortcuts or abbreviations (a shortened form of a word or phrase.) on facebook, twitter or any other social networking sites. It have become pretty kool to use these short forms but the reason for huge popularity is – it saves time from writing the whole line or bunch of words. It’s mostly used in expressing emotions or during chat conversations.
I am an avid user of Twitter and Facebook chat and I use these kinda words a lot. Twitter’s limit of 140 characters in a tweet has made these abbreviations very popular.
For people who are new to internet chat find these words weird and it becomes difficult for them to understand and reply to these abbreviations. Some of these words were alien to me too when I came across them for the first time. Here I am compiling the list of most popular abbreviation words which you can use in internet chats regularly.
Out here, you might find some abbreviations which you use regularly but you might not have known the meaning. Moreover I have added few latest abbreviations which are getting popular over twitter.
I am an avid user of Twitter and Facebook chat and I use these kinda words a lot. Twitter’s limit of 140 characters in a tweet has made these abbreviations very popular.
For people who are new to internet chat find these words weird and it becomes difficult for them to understand and reply to these abbreviations. Some of these words were alien to me too when I came across them for the first time. Here I am compiling the list of most popular abbreviation words which you can use in internet chats regularly.
Out here, you might find some abbreviations which you use regularly but you might not have known the meaning. Moreover I have added few latest abbreviations which are getting popular over twitter.
List of Internet Abbreviations:
- 1NAM : One in a million
- 121: One-to-One
- 143: I love you
- 1432: I love you too
- 2: To
- 2moro: Tomorrow
- 2N8 : Tonight
- 4: For
- 404 : No clue
- 4Eva: Forever
- 6Y: Sexy
- 88: Bye Bye
- A3: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
- ASAP: As soon as possible
- AFAIK : As far as I know
- ASAIC: As soon as I can
- AYT: Are You There?
- Abt. : About
- ASL: Age/ Sex/ Location
- B4N : Bye for now
- BRB : Be right back
- BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
- BFFL: Best Friend For Life
- BIBO: Beer in, Beer out
- BMT : Before my time
- BBT : Be Back tomorrow
- BF: Boy Friend
- BD: Big Deal
- BDAY: Birthday
- BIB: Boss is Back
- Brd: Bored
- BRT: Be Right There
- BTW: By the way
- B/w: Between
- BAU: Business As usual.
- B4: Before
- BBS: Be Back Soon
- BOT: Back on Topic
- Coz/Cuz/Cos: Because
- CM: Call Me
- CMON: Come On
- CYA: See You
- CU: See You
- DIKU: Do I Know You
- DM: Doesn’t Matter
- DN: Down
- DNR: Dinner
- DP: Display Picture
- EMA: Email Address
- ENUF: Enough
- EOD: End Of Discussion
- EVA: Ever
- F2F: Face To Face
- FYI: For Your Info
- FUU: Fuck U
- Fb : Facebook
- G2G/GTG: Got To Go
- GFN: Gone For Now
- Gr8: Great
- GF: Girlfriend
- Gn : Good night
- HAU: How About You?
- HAND: Have a nice day!
- HF: Have Fun
- IC: I See
- IDC: I Don’t Care
- ILY: I Love You
- IM: Instant Message
- IDK: I don’t know
- IKRL I know right
- JK: Just Kidding
- JFY: Just for you
- K : okay
- KEWL: Cool
- Kl : Cool
- LMK : Let me know
- LOL: Laugh out loud
- LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
- L8r: Later
- MYOB: Mind Your Own Business
- Msg: Message
- NE1: Anyone
- N1: Nice one
- NYC: Nice
- NP: No Problem
- NVM: Never Mind
- NW: No Way
- N : And
- OMG: Oh My God
- OMFG: Oh My Fucking God
- ONL: Online
- OMW: On My Way
- Ova: Over
- PCM: Please Call Me
- Plz/Pls: Please
- PM: Private Message
- PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
- POS: Parents Over shoulder
- Ppl: People
- PLMK: Please let me know
- POV: Point Of View
- ROFLMAO: Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Out
- ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
- SUP: What’s up?
- SOS: Someone on Shoulder
- SD : Sweet dreams
- TC: Take care
- TMI: Too Much Information
- TM : Trust me
- Thx/Tnx: Thanks
- TGIF: Thank god it’s Friday.
- TIA: Thanks in advance
- Ty/Tu: Thank you
- TTYL : Talk to you later
- U: You
- URS: Yours
- WTH : What the hell
- w8 : Wait
- W/o: Without
- WU? : What’s up?
- WBU? What about You?
- WH5: Who, what, when, where, why
- WRT: With regard/respect to
- Wru: Where are you?
- WOA: Work of Art
- WTF: What the fuck
- YSIC: Why should I care
- Y : Why or Yes
- Zzz: Sleeping
- ZUP: What’s up?
You can share your own chat abbreviations on comment box, tell me have you abbreviations ?
wow.. sushil hishoriya